The Township of Front of Yonge Public Works Department is responsible for the maintenance of approximately 65 km of roads.  If you see a problem, please report it to the Public Works Department at 613-923-5074.

For all other road concerns or inquiries, please contact the following:

County roads, or arterials roads, are maintained by the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville .  These include:

  • County Road 2
  • County Road 5
  • County Road 27 (Yonge Mills Road)


The 1000 Islands Parkway is maintained by the Highway Maintenance Contracting Inc, a division of Coco Group.  To report a problem, please contact the Call Centre at 1-866-685-2770.


Private roads are maintained by individuals or road associations.  The following are private roads in the Township of Front of Yonge:


·         Casselman Hill Drive

·         Chant Terrace

·         Cory Drive

·         East Townline Circle

·         Elliott Lane

·         Fox Trot Lane

·         Goodbody Crescent

·         Henry Brown Court

·         Hiram Day Court

·         Hillside Drive

·         Kerry Forest Drive

·         Leeder Lane

·         Moon Road

·         Patterson Bay Road

·         Race Terrace

·         Shady Lane

·         Sifton Road

·         Sunset Lane

·         Treetops Lane

·         Twin Bay Estates

·         Windy Lane

·         Wolsey Lane



Sidewalks are located within the Village of Mallorytown.  If you see a problem, please report it to the Public Works Department at 613-923-5074.


An entranceway permit is required for the installation of all entranceways in the Township of Front of Yonge.  Please complete the application and return to the Township Office.