In 2014 a group of people in Hastings County created what is now known as “The Emily Project”. It is in memory of seven-year-old Emily Trudeau who was killed in a tragic farming accident. These concerned citizens asked how first responders could get to medical emergencies when they had difficulties identifying addresses. There are no 911 address signs in many farming fields.

Since then, many municipalities, including Front of Yonge; have passed resolutions supporting this Project, to have 911 civic address signs installed for most, if not all; entrances to farmers fields. Front of Yonge Township has partnered with the Leeds Federation of Agriculture to launch the next step in achieving this goal.

Dan & Alison Wilson of Rivendell Farms on Old River Road along with Leeds Federation of Agriculture President Kim Sytsma, and Mayor Roger Haley are encouraging area farmers to let their municipalities know where these 911 address signs should be located.

If you own farmland, a wood lot, hayfields, trails or maple bush that doesn’t have a civic address sign, please contact the Township Office to provide the following information:

  • Property roll number
  • Legal description
  • Location of entranceway

The applicant shall be the property owner or must otherwise include a letter from the property owner designating the applicant as the property owner’s agent.

The cost of each sign is $35.00, which includes the number blade and post.

Let’s all support Emily’s Project and save a life.