Click on the buttons above to view Council agendas and minutes, and virtual meetings.
To view historical agendas and minutes, please contact the Township Office at 613-923-2251.
Council Meetings are held at the Township Office the first and third Monday of every month, commencing at 7:00pm (unless otherwise advertised). If the scheduled meeting falls on a statutory holiday, the meeting will be on Tuesday, unless Council sets another date by motion.
Contact Council
Members of Council can also be reached by contacting the Clerk.
To send correspondence to any member of council, please direct your letters to:
Township of Front of Yonge
1514 County Road, P.O. Box 130
Mallorytown, ON K0E 1R0
Mayor Roger Haley
Phone: 613-213-4337
Councillor Margaret Fancy
Phone: 613-923-1178
Councillor Carson Massey
Phone: 613-340-6214
Councillor Richard Marcoux
Phone: 613-923-2430
Councillor Gail Williams
Phone: 613-340-7282
Composition and Duties of Council
The Council of the Township of Front of Yonge is composed of five members, including the Mayor and four Councillors. All council members are elected ‘at-large’ for a four year term.
The Mayor is responsible for carrying out the following duties when chairing a Council Meeting, as outlined in the Township of Front of Yonge’s Procedural By-law:
- to open the meeting by taking the chair and calling the meeting to order;
- to announce the business before Council in the order in which it is to be acted upon;
- to receive and submit, in the proper manner, all motions presented by Members of Council;
- to put to a vote all questions which are moved and seconded, or necessarily arise in the course of the proceedings, and to announce the result;
- to rule out of order any motions which infringe upon the rules of procedure;
- to enforce on all occasions the observance of order and decorum among the members;
- to call by name any Member persisting in breach of the rules of order of the Council thereby ordering the member to vacate the council chambers;
- to inform Council, when necessary or when referred to for the purpose, in a point of order;
- to authenticate by signature all By-laws, Resolutions, and minutes of the Council;
- to select, in consultation with the members of Council, the members of Council who are to serve on Committees;
- to represent and support the Council, declaring its will and implicitly obeying its decisions in all things
- to ensure that the decisions of Council are in conformity with the laws and by-laws governing the activities of the Council;
- to adjourn the meeting without question in the case of grave disorder arising in the Council Chambers
- to order any individual or group in attendance at the meeting to cease and desist any behaviour which disrupts the order and decorum of the meeting and to order the individual or group to vacate the Council Chambers where such behaviour persists.
Each Councillor is responsible for attending all Council Meetings (including regular and working sessions) and sitting on Committees.
As per By-law # 35-22, Councillors rotate the duties of Acting Mayor. In the absence of the Mayor, the Acting Mayor will fill the role and its responsibilities.
Code of Conduct
Please click here to view the Code of Conduct adopted by Council on December 21, 2020.
Service Delivery Review
This project was completed in 2022 through funding provided by the Municipal Modernization Fund.
The objective of the project was to review the internal workflow and service processes with the goal of recommending improvements, cost savings, and efficiencies. A third-party reviewer was obtained to conduct a Service Delivery Review that assessed internal processes and workflow based on efficiency and overall organizational performance.
Specifically measured was Front of Yonge Township’s capacity to perform business functions and deliver its programs and services efficiently. The final recommendations were focused on cost savings opportunities and efficiencies in services, as well as digital modernization.
Township Council adopted the final recommendations in December 2022.
The Executive Summary can be viewed HERE.