How are by-laws enforced?
Front of Yonge Township Council has appointed a By-law Enforcement Officer with the authority to enforce all by-laws passed by the Township.
The By-law Enforcement Officer responds to complaints lodged by residents of the Township and investigates any incidents in order to determine if there is a violation taking place. If a violation is noted, the Enforcement Officer follows the procedure established in relation to that particular by-law in order to rectify the situation.
The Chief Building Official is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Ontario Building Code.
The Fire Chief is responsible for the Fire Code
Some of our by-laws are available online. Please contact the Township Office if a by-law you wish to view is not available online.
How to Submit a Complaint
Complaints can be submitted to the Township via electronic submission to or by dropping off the completed complaint form at the Township Office. Anonymous complaints are not accepted. All complainant information listed on the complaint form is confidential and is protected under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Information contained on complaint forms are only disclosed if the matter goes to court.
Safe Properties By-law
The Safe Properties By-law is designed to provide protection to the public with regard to health and safety issues. The by-law establishes the standards that must be adhered to in order to comply with the by-law.
The Safe Properties By-law establishes the standards for the maintenance and occupancy of properties within the Township of Front of Yonge.
The Safe Properties By-law can be viewed here.